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The floorplan for the Don's office...

So far I've done the Don's office -- there will be more to come!

The double-doored entrance on the left is where Bonasera left after seeing the Don at the reception. It is also where Paulie comes in while Sonny, Tom, Clemenza and Tessio are discussing what to do after the Don's been shot.
The other door, leading to the dining room, is where Johnny Fontane exits after his meeting with the Don
The couch was were Sonny & Clemenza were sitting after the Don was shot. Tessio was in the leather chair at the bottom left.
At top is Tom's desk, next to the translucent cubed windows that we frequently see him at. For instance, after Michael gets slapped by McCluskey and is meeting with Sonny, Tom, Clemenza & Tessio.
The leather chair by Tom's desk is where Michael's "we can't wait" speech took place.


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Compilation, Layout, etc. ©1995-2006 J. Geoff Malta
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